COZY MYSTERY: Lemon Pie Murder Series (Lemon Mystery Murder) Page 9
The next thing that she did was to get the code on the boot print and tried to run it through the database, hoping that something incredible was going to come up at the end of the day. It seemed as though every single thing was going to make some sense at the end.
The search took about a couple of moments and then it showed that there was no such number in the database, making her feel bad to the point that she hit the button one more time. The kind of feeling that she was getting was just out of this world and all she needed at that moment was to ensure that she was able to stay focused in everything that she was doing.
And as the search was still running through thousands of digits in the database, Agent Morris glanced at her pager as though she was waiting for some kind of miracle to happen. But as usual, Agent McCartney was taking his time with the task at hand. Though it was quite understandable since he had other cases to process and was just doing Agent Morris a favor since her task was far from being official.
But even so, Agent Morris still didn’t understand why it was taking way too long. Maybe it was because she was way too impatient for life. But at that moment, no one could blame her. She could feel as though her scalp was heating up and tiny droplets of sweat starting to form. But still, it was a little bit difficult for her to get to the bottom of every single thing at that time.
In fact, the only thing that seemed to have any effect on anything that she was doing would have been to kick back and try out something else other than worrying. But after looking around, agent Morris realized that there was absolutely nothing she could do to ensure that she was safe from virtually every bad thing that could have happened to her at the time.
And that said, it seemed as though the only useful thing that she could do at the time was to stay worried – funny, but very unavoidable.
Agent Morris checked out her pager for the umpteenth time, and this time round, rubbing her forehead with the sleeve of her jacket. Even though she was starting to get very impatient, it seemed as though the forensics people were starting to take way too much time. And it was at that moment that she almost took out her mobile phone and made that call. But something in her gut disagreed with her thoughts.
And if there was anything that made Agent Morris the top enchilada as far as criminal investigations were concerned, it was something to do with her ability to solve these problems without having to worry way too much. And that came with following her gut. And so instead of picking up her phone, she opted to go down there and check it out for herself.
And while Agent Morris was having such a difficult time trying to buy time and get the evidence, the commander and the rest of the unit were preparing as hard as possible to make sure that they were in a position to get out there and getting the real culprits without putting anyone at risk. Agent Morris was right when she said that these people knew that they were coming. And for that matter, they needed to stay focused at all times.
That was exactly what was going to happen at the end of the day. The agents had been trained to handle such kinds of matters and they weren’t going to have a difficult time doing their duty. Now all of the evidence seemed to be point towards the two major suspects and the judge had already given them a green light to proceed. But for a moment, the commander didn’t give the order.
And this problem was valid – the lead agent who had brought them that far wasn’t anywhere to be seen and that was such a bad thing indeed. He had been trying to call Agent Morris for a while now but from the look of things, she wasn’t getting to pick up her phone. And then after a while, her phone went dead.
The only other option that the commander had was to page her. And that also didn’t work out quite fine since in the end, it also seemed as though she wasn’t up to replying her page. And it was things like these that always made the commander look a little bit jumpy which wasn’t a good thing in the end. But still, he knew that he had to do something about it.
“I think Agent Morris is held up somewhere. But I am sure that she is going to do all in her power to ensure that everything is all sorted out without a doubt. As a matter of fact, I think it is necessary for us to ensure that we stick to the plan. Let me try my best to track her down. In the meantime, keep the fire burning.
“This might be one of the most important arrests we make in this decade and needless to say, it has to go down in the right way or else it will backfire in our faces. I will go look for Agent Morris, I won’t be long.”
“Sir, allow me to go look for her.” One junior agent volunteered, but the commander shook his head.
“I need all of you to stay focused. Let me go get her.”
And without adding another word, he stormed out of place without even thinking twice. The commander was starting to look as though Agent Morris’ absence was starting to get to him. And for a moment, it seemed as though it was. But only a fraction of the agents in the addressing room noticed that but kept quiet. All they could do at that moment was just kick back and watch as the commander left in a hurry.
And as soon as the door was locked, the loud speaker in the addressing room as well as the entire police station went live. It was as though someone very important was about to make a very special announcement.
All the police officers in the station continued with their work as usual, but a couple of them noticed that the speakers were on and got ready for an official announcement from the commander. But from the look of things, it seemed as though it was some glitch with the equipment and so they all continued with their work as though they heard nothing.
But what was about to go down was going to resonate within those walls for years to come and had they known that, they would have done something about it as fast as humanly possible. The commander, too, was suspecting that something wasn’t sitting up well will everything that was going on in there. And because of that, the only thing that would have made a difference.
He walked cautiously as he moved towards the forensics department which was located underground as though he was expecting something to pop from under there. And that said, it also seemed as though he wasn’t scared at all. For many, it would seem as though it was his courage that he managed to garner over the years.
But the truth of the matter was that the only thing the commander was capable of doing was understanding the atmosphere of his commanding post. And at that time, it seemed as though not everything was well. And that explained why he went down there to check and see if everything was alright.
And as he was doing that, Agent Morris was also running down to the same destination. But unlike the commander, it seemed as though she was in a hurry and had her gun out. If anyone could have met her on her way there, they would have panicked. Thankfully, that never got to happen at any given moment.
Chapter 6:
-Back from the dead-
It seemed as though Agent McCartney was taking a hell lot of time before responding and that prompted Agent Morris to get out of that place and rush all the way to the forensics department that was situated underground. And as she was leaving her office, she checked her pager for the last time and realized that the commander was still paging her.
It was at that moment that she switched on her phone and smiled for a moment before texting him back informing him that she was coming straight away.
But when her phone started ringing, Agent Morris didn’t pick it up. She knew that the commander was going to yell at her when they met up but it seemed as though what she was doing was of the highest importance. And with that as her excuse for ignoring the commander, Agent Morris made a point of running all the way to the forensics depart.
And on reaching the door, she paused for a moment. The forensics geeks were always good when it came to having fun and that meant a lot of gossip and listening to rock music to give them that much needed motivation. But from the look of things, it seemed as though they were unusually quiet and that prompted Agent Morris to pull out her gun. Something was clearly not right. An
d she had inkling it had something to do with the new evidence that she had forwarded.
Slowly and very cautiously, Agent Morris opened the door and peeped. It was at that moment that she saw everyone on the floor.
“Oh, if it isn’t Agent Morris. It’s been a while but I sure missed you the most. Please, join us!!”
Agent Morris stopped for a moment. For a moment, she didn’t even know what was going on. Agent Howard? How could that even be possible?”
And then when she got in, she saw the ghost of Agent Howard holding a gun against agent McCartney’s temple and he had a smirk on his face. For a moment, she couldn’t move. All that Agent Morris could do at that time was to just kick back and check out whatever the heck was going on without uttering a damn word. It was just too much for her to bear and for that matter, the only thing that she could have done was to look on.
“I assure you, I am not a bloody ghost. It’s a long and interesting story but what the heck, I have all day to tell you all about it. Are you guys ready to listen?”
“Why did you have to do this to us and the rest of your family? We thought you were dead!” agent Morris said, tears falling from her eyes.
“Ah, hush now little bird. It’s all about business! Since none of you are coming out of this place alive, I think the best thing for me to do is tell you what happened. I maybe be a bastard but I am a bastard who keeps his word. So here goes.
“As all of you know, my daughter has leukemia. And with my little salary, I cannot afford the cost. So what do I do? I am a gun for hire. So Mrs. Moss, I am sure all of you are well acquainted with this one, calls me and offers to pay a hefty amount for me to whack a poor lady. It feels nasty at first, but my daughter has a life ahead of herself and this woman, as sweet as she was, has unfortunately outlived her usefulness.
“Anyway, I plot very well and carry out my part. I didn’t know that my partner was planning on getting you framed. But since you are my best friend, I get you out of the hook and still I thought we were going to find these other bad people. But then you start being you. You just had to start digging around.”
“And so you decided to fake your death?” Agent Morris interrupted angrily.
“Yes. But still you just had to snoop and find everything for yourself didn’t you? You just couldn’t find it in your heart to let it all go, huh?”
Agent Morris didn’t know what to do. Her first instinct was to kill him. But since he had his gun on agent McCartney’s head, it would mean that he could get killed. And the last thing that Agent Morris wanted to do was lose another friend. So she just held on, waiting for the perfect time to shoot. And while she was sizing Agent Howard up, Agent Howard continued with his runt.
“The boot number belonged to me. If at all you knew all about it, then I could have been exposed and my wife wouldn’t get the pension. That explains why I got back. I needed to make sure that I cleared that mess up. I tried to save you and keep you out of the case. But you just didn’t lay low. Now look at where your curiosity got us huh?”
At that moment, it started sounding as though Agent Howard was getting angry. It was really a totally different person since she had never seen him like that before. But in her life as a police officer and one that is kick ass when it came to her job, it seemed as though Agent Morris had known people to be two faced bastards. It just shocked her how Agent Howard was good at playing her for years.
“I am sorry about what is happening to your daughter. But do you really need to kill people so that she can live?”
“Do you know that Camilla is leaving me for a much younger man?”
“Do you blame her? You are a psychopath!” Agent Morris snapped back at him.
And for a moment, Agent Howard stared at her with his bloody set of eyes as though he was more than ready to kill. But Agent Morris wasn’t going to be cowed by that. As a matter of fact, she was just waiting for him to make that mistake so that she could kill him once and for all. Everyone was still in shock.
And even before they could comprehend whatever the heck that was going on, it seemed as though they were about to be hit by yet another surprise that would be ten times worse than finding out that Agent Howard, one of the best agents had faked his death. The tension in the room was apparent and everyone was anxious about what was to go down next.
“It would really be a bad thing especially after the bomb for a massacre to happen down here.”
“At this point, I don’t care Howard. Even if I die fighting for what is right, I am sure that you and your buddy aren’t going out of this station alive.” Agent Morris responded with a snarl.
From the look of things, she was prepared psychologically for anything that was about to go down. She was still looking for that opportune moment when she could squeeze the trigger and put him out of his misery because the only thing that could have explained whatever was going on in his head was that he was insane. But that said, it also seemed as though Howard was on a suicide mission.
“Whoa, I need everyone to calm down, please.” The commander said as soon as he sauntered through the door. And when he saw Agent Morris, he snapped at her jokingly.
“So this explains why you weren’t picking up your phone. Looks like you were having a reunion.”
“Wait, aren’t you surprised that Agent Howard feigned her death?”
“Surprised? No. as a matter of fact, it was the commander’s idea. Oh, you don’t know do you?”
“And here I was thinking that you are the best detective in here.”
And at that point, everything now started making a lot of sense. First of all, it was the way the commander and Agent Howard left the room only for the commander to turn up with no scars and Agent Howard turning up dead, burnt beyond recognition. They had been playing them all along.
Also when the commander also got engrossed with strange calls on his phone all the time instead of maintaining focus in the case like he always did. Things were just getting all pieced together and Agent Morris knew that her gut was trying to show her something. She held on to the gun as tightly as she could, trying to resist the sweat from making her drop it since it could have been a very fatal mistake if she did that.
“At least Agent Howard had a reason for going rogue. What do you have to say for yourself commander? Or should I say former commander because I am about to arrest you. You were like a father to me! It’s such a shame!!!”
The commander didn’t seem disturbed at any given moment. If anything, it seemed as though the more pissed she was, the more motivated he became. As a matter of fact, he was just too darn happy to stay the grin on his wrinkly face.
“Ok, so here is what is going to happen, we are going to take the evidence and then shut this place down, start a fire and then we term it as an accident.”
“And then we go collect our pensions as well as reward as the wrong people get arrested and voila, it’s a win-win.”
“And you are forgetting one part Howard…”
“Which is?”
“The part where you stay dead.”
The commander and Howard laughed at their joke. And they had all the right to be confident since they had outgunned their opponents and no matter how hard they fought, there was no way that they were going to win this war. It was too much for them to bear at that moment.
It was at that moment that agent McCartney started laughing so hard to the point that he leaned against the table to the amusement of all the parties. Agent Howard took offense and pressed the barrel of the M16 on his head and warned.
“Dude, I am the one with the gun just in case you forgot. That means that you laugh when I tell you to laugh, you understand?”
“I understand. But you see, I don’t care if you kill all of us. The thing is that you aren’t getting out of here alive since I put you all on speaker. And over fifty police officers as well as reinforcements from the other cities are being flown in. so if I were you, I would surrender.”
And with that, they could hear ch
oppers flying over their heads and the general from the army announcing on loud speaker, giving them an option to surrender. There was no way they were getting out of this. Agent Morris smiled at Agent McCartney before turning to the commander.
“Game over, you lose!”
<< The End >>
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Meri Kee has spent a sheltered life. Her parents had always provided her with everything she needed, but that life had been shattered when Meri’s dad was killed in Afghanistan. Meri and her mother grew close after her father’s death. Meri was glad that her mom had just completed her education to become a nurse practitioner. They would need the extra income, especially since Meri had her heart set on going to college and becoming a registered nurse. She had never really been interested in boys because she didn’t want anything to interfere with her career plans. Of course, Meri knew about the birds and the bees, but she didn’t know the first thing about passion. She had plans to save herself for marriage, and that was going to be after she had passion of her state nursing license.